The length is the distance between different stitches in a line of fill. The length depends on the kind of thread that you are using.
Start on the Outline
Click here if you want all the fill lines to start on the outline. This may generate a number of short stitches.
Start on First Stitch
Click here if you want all the fill lines to start on the first fill stitch of the line.
Double Lines
Click here to use double lines in the fill effect. Double lines are used to reinforce the effect when the density is very large.
Single Lines
Click here to use single lines in the fill effect.
Line Phase 2
Adds another line phase that will alternate with line phase 1. A value of 0 will disable line phase 2.
Line Phase 1
The line phase value indicates the number of lines to be created before repeating the same stitch pattern. A phase of 3 means that the 1st line in the embroidery will look the same as the 4th, the 7th and so on.
Random Length
Enter here the random value to be applied to the length of the stitches. A random value of 30% on a length of 10mm will generate stitches from 7mm to 10mm.
The line phase value is used to change the aesthetic result of a fill effect. Try filling with different values and compare the results. We suggest that you try 1, 2, 3 and 6.
Number of Segments
Click here to divide each stitch in the satin into a fixed number of stitches regardless of its length. Remember that stitches that are shorter than the minimum length will be collected after the recalculation.
Maximum Length
Click here to generate stitches that are always shorter than the given length. Stitches that are longer will be divided into multiple stitches.
Unlimited Length of the Stitches
Click here if you don’t want to break long stitches into shorter ones. Stitches that are longer than 8 mm. may cause problems during the execution on the embroidery machine.
Background Rotation
Type here the counter clockwise rotation that you want to apply to the choosen background. The rotation is expressed in degrees and can go anywhere from 0 to 360°.
Background Scale
Type here the scale that should be applied to the background. A scale of 50% will reduce the size by half, a scale of 200% will increase it twice.
Use this popup menu to select a library object that you want to use as a background for the satin effect.
Number of Stitches
Enter here the maximum number of consecutive stitches that can be shortened.
Enter here the amount by which the stitches will be shortened when needed. A value of 40% will change a 10 mm stitch into a 6 mm stitch if needed.
Minimum Density
Enter here the minimum density of the stitches. A value of 70% means that, if the density is 10 mm, stitches with a density of 7 mm or less will be shortened.
Proportional Compensation
Click here to use a compensation that is proportional to the length of the stitches. For example if the stitches are 10 mm. long and you use a compensation of 20% they will be enlarged by 1 mm. of each side.
Fixed Compensation
Click here if you want to use a fixed compensation. For example a compensation of 4 mm. will enlarge the stitches of 2 mm. on both sides of the section.
No Compensation
Click here if you don’t want to have any compensation. The compensation is used to reduce the shrinkage of the fabric during the sewing process.
Running Length
This is the length of the stitches used when a running is needed to move from one part to another in the section.
Density is Variable
Click here to use a variable value for the density that will change depending on the length of the stitches. Longer stitches will have smaller densities, shorter stitches will have larger ones.
Density is Fixed
Click here to use a fixed value for the density.
Density Position
Indicates where the density is uniform in curved shapes. For example 0% means that the inner part of the section will have a uniform density, 100% means that the outer part will. The density position goes from 0% to 100%.
Shortening is ON
Click here to enable the automatic shortening of the stitches. The shortening is necessary to reduce the density of the stitches when there are too many of them.
Shortening is OFF
Click here if you don’t want to shorten the stitches.
Squared Stitches
Click here to use squared stitches. This kind of stitch is often used with large densities and generates twice the stitches of a zig zag satin in the same area.
Sawtooth Stitches
Click here to use sawtooth stitches. Sawtooth stitches are similar to zig zag stitches.
Zig Zag Stitches
Click here to use zig zag stitches. This is the most common kind of stitches.
Random Stitches Down
Enter here the amount of randomness for the lower side of the section. A random value of 20% applied to a stitch length of 10 mm. will generate stitches from 8 to 10 mm.
Random Stitches Up
Enter here the amount of randomness for the upper side of the section. A random value of 20% applied to a stitch length of 10 mm. will generate stitches from 8 to 10 mm.
The compensation is used to enlarge the stitches in the section by a percentage value. This is useful to reduce the shrinkage of the fabric during the sewing process.
Use this popup menu to select which part of the motif you want to use. Only the part of the motif with the selected color will be inserted in the section.
Use this popup menu to select the motif that you want to use for this effect. If you don’t want to use a motif then select “None”.
Click here to create a running with uniform stitch lengths. The last stitch will have a length equal to the remaining distance.
Click here to generate a running with uniform stitch lengths. The last stitch will incorporate a length equal to the remaining distance.
Click here to generate a running with uniform stitch lengths. The actual length may differ slightly from the entered one.
Cut the Corners
Click here if you want to ignore corners on the given path. This will give you a more uniform length of the stitches.
Keep the Corners
Click here to keep the corners on the given path. This may generate short stitches if the path contains short segments between different corners.
Offset when Repassing
This offset will be used when a running is done more than once. An offset of 50% will put the stitches of the second run in the middle of the stitches for the first run. The offset can range from 0 to 100%.
Don’t Reverse the Stitches in Motifs
Click here if you don’t want to reverse the order of the stitches. Motifs on different lines of the fill will look like they’re heading in opposite directions.
Reverse Stitches in Motifs (if needed)
Click here if you want to reverse the order of the stitches in motifs when needed. Motifs on different lines of the fill will look like they’re all heading in the same direction.
Number of Repasses
This is the number of times that the running will pass over the given path. Repass more than once if you want to mark the running and make it more visible.
Minimum Length
This is the length that will be used to remove short stitches after recalculating. The minimum length depends on the thread that you are using. Short stitches are removed because they often cause problems and break the thread.
Stitch Length
The length is the distance between different stitches in a running. The length depends on the kind of thread that you are using.
The density is the distance between two lines of stitches in a satin or in a fill effect. The density depends of the kind of thread that you are using.
Click on this arrow to open or close its panel. When the panel is closed its title shows a list of its most important parameters.
Click this button to close the dialog without changing the effect or the sections that are using it.
Click this button to confirm your choices. You can then choose “Recalc” in the Section menu to recalculate all the sections that are using this effect with the new parameters.
Click this button to use default values for the effect. Those values will change depending on the kind of thread that you are using. Select “Information” in the File menu to choose different kind of threads.
Go Easy & Go Expert
Click this button to edit this effect in Easy or Expert mode. The Easy mode will do most of the job for you by choosing optimal parameters with its built-in embroidery knowledge.
Use this popup menu to select the kind of effect that you want. You can also select an effect by holding the command key and pressing 1 for running, 2 for satin, and so on.
Name of the Effect
Enter here the name of the effect. Giving a name to this effect will help you later when you’ll want to change it or check it. A good name could be its kind followed by one or more of its parameters (e.g. “Running 3 mm.”).